Ethnic Dance Chicago (EDC)
Dancing As a Second Language - - Mobile: (847)-846-8139 - Skype: (773)-634-9381
Ethnic Music Gallery Index

New Ethnic
Music GalleryCrooked Rhythm Jukebox Page

Ethnic Music Gallery Index Under Construction

Enjoy learning about Ethnic Folk Dance Music Rhythms and listening to some unusual tunes from around the world while you're visiting www, or surfing elsewhere on the web!

Some of these examples of rhythms are linked to music clips on this site.  Over time, we'll get all the examples online.  Why not listen to and learn about this exciting music while you're reading this page or surfing the web.

Contributors: Paul Collins, Dennis Boxell

Your options are:

  1. Click the Jukebox Image (left) or Here for the Ethnic Music Jukebox Page
  2. Click Here for the Ethnic Music Descripton Document (pdf)
  3. Click Here for the Crooked Rhythms Gallery Index

Requirements: Pop-Ups Allowed

If you're going to surf the net for a while, your music selection(s) will continue to play to the end of the jukebox playlist - even if you leave this website. 

The jukebox playlist is in alpha order by song. Click the randomize icon to play the list in random order.